LGBT Activist DeLarverie Mourned at Village Memorial Service

Storme DeLeverie
Stormé DeLarverie

The Greenwich Village Funeral Home was the venue for a crowded memorial service held in honor of Stormé DeLarverie who died on Saturday, May 24. She was 93 years-old.

The service took place several days after her passing, on Thursday night. Her death was exactly one month after she was recognized for her contribution to LGBT rights with a lifetime achievement award at the Brooklyn Community Pride Center. Sharing in the honor was Edie Windsor, the plaintiff in the suit that overturned the Defense of Marriage Act.

“She’s somebody who has this rich and beautiful history,” commented Erin Drinkwater, executive director of Brooklyn Community Pride Center. He was referring to her role in the Stonewall riots as well as the work she engaged in years later helping to provide meals to people dying from AIDS.

“She fought back and then never turned her back to the community,” Drinkwater added. “She’s just phenomenal. She was a true hero to the movement.”